Lucie Klein

Devoted to the Soul-rooted unfolding of all living Beings.

Lucie is a Nature-Based Soul Initiation Guide,



and the founder of Via Magus

At the heart of Lucie lies a commitment to serve the soulful unfolding of all beings. From the red rock canyons of Utah to the dark forests of Transylvania, she has tracked and crafted her soul gifts. A hungry quester for meaning for many turns of the Sun, Lucie suffered a life-threatening illness that thrust her into a radical shedding of her first Adult identity. Her healing path has been an ongoing unlearning of the emotional, relational and mental conditionings of western modern culture that were informing her understanding of her place in the world. From breaking down to breaking through, from holding up to surrendering, from severing to reconnecting, Lucie’s journey through healing has been one of faith, trust and resilience that eventually shifted her centre of gravity from an ego-centred paradigm to a soul-centred life - that is a life built around the listening for and manifesting of her deepest, most essential Earth-rooted identity, purpose and belonging. Having made an unbreakable vow to her Soul, she lives each day as an embodiment of the most sacred expression of the primordial life-force that runs through all. As a Chrysotherapist, Soul Initiation Guide and Geomancer, she dances with the veil between the worlds, exploring the subtle movements and voices of the human heart and soul, listening for their echo in the voice of the Earth. She is a lover of the wild, a guardian of thresholds and a guide through life-passages. Through her deep listening and fierce loving, she tracks people’s mystery stories throughout life and guides them to awaken to their soul-rooted purpose. She employs her many years of experience and skills in deep listening, sacred embodiment and conversation with the more-than-human to support individuals in waking up to their deeper story and midwife their authentic blossoming.

Training and origins


Lucie is part of the Nature-based Soul Initiation Guiding Soulcraft Apprenticeship and Initiation Programme (SAIP) at Bill Plotkin’s Animas Valley Institute, Colorado, USA. She has trained in eco-centric human development with Dreams for Life, Romania and Shumacher College, England. As an itinerant underworld guide, she co-pioneered nature-based healing and wholing and soul initiation programs for communities in Chile and Argentina.

She graduated as a certified Chrysotherapist and Specialist Geomancer at the School of Hermetic Medicine Chrysopea, France. She also trained in Pranayama breathing techniques for stress and emotional management with The Art of Living and combines both approaches in her therapeutical approach. She is also a certified Reiki practitioner Level 2 and has knowledge in plant-based medicine (passed down from mother and grand-mothers).

Lucie worked for 6 years as a lead youth educator in a UK-based charity, supporting young adults from countries including EU countries, India, South Africa, Israel and Palestine and delivering courses on nature-based personal and community development, arts-based peace building and intercultural/inter-generational dialogue. She has designed and pioneered several initiatives for women empowerment, underprivileged youth, adults with special needs and for supporting activists build resilience and sustainability in their work.

Lucie also trained as an actress at the Laboratoire de Recherches Théâtrales, Strasbourg, France and later on at intercultural centre Sremski Karlovski, Serbia. She has worked as a drama therapist for various communities accross England, Albania and Serbia, working with vulnerable adults and adults with special needs.

Lucie was born and grew up in France. She speaks French, English, German and has notions of Spanish. She currently lives with her partner on the enchanting shores of Exmoor, England.

Work with Lucie

“I don’t regret having put my trust in Lucie”

— Garance, France

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Let’s talk!

If you have any question about your journey or about what offering, or constellation of offerings, might best serve you at this very moment, please get in touch, I would love to have a conversation with you.